
Table of Contents

Paycargo is a ruby gem client library to talk with Paycargo API. Paycargo wraps the Paycargos’s REST API and follows Ruby convention.

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Quik start

Install via Rubygems

gem install paycargo

Or add to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'paycargo'

And then execute:

bundle install

Access the library in Ruby:

require 'paycargo'

Making requests

Initialize client to make requets:

client = "JWT TOKEN")

Consuming resources

Most methods return a Resource object which provides dot notation and [] access for fields returned in the API response.


This resource allows you to send user credentials, if login success you receive a JWT token as a response for sending future requests to this API. Token validity time is 8 hours.

client.users.login(username: 'username', password: 'password')

This resource allows you to retrieve user information. You need to pass a valid user id so as JWT token. Only users of your account (or your branches if you are a headquarter) are retrievable.

client.user.retreive(userId: 272360)

Retrieve a list of permissions for the selected user. Endpoint requires to pass a valid user id parameter.



Get all Transactions for a client.


Get a transaction by id


Get transaction by number

client.transactions.by_number(number: 9292323, vendorID: 279366)

Get transactions history


Create Transaction

  vendorId: 279546,
  type: 'Other',
  subcategory: 'I-432188',
  number: '929-83294551',
  departureDate: '2018-04-01',
  arrivalDate: '2018-04-24',
  total: 100,
  direction: 'Outbound',
  paymentDueDate: '2018-04-24',
  hasArrived: 'Y',
  shipperRefNumber: 'tdfgfdgfd'

Approve a Transaction

client.transactions.apporve(489479, paymentType: 'OVERNIGHT')

Batch Approves a list of transactions, for the same Vendor. Available payment methods: OVERNIGHT, PREPAID.

client.transactions.batch_approve(batchPaymentType: 'OVERNIGHT', transactionIds: '515168,515169')

Puting a transaction to proof


Get transactions fees

  paymentType: 'OVERNIGHT',
  transactionId: 123456,
  numberOfTransactions: 2,
  payerId: 123456,
  vendorId: 123456,
  total: 70
  • paymentType: payment type for transaction: OVERNIGHT, PREPAID, CREDITCARD, PAYCARGOCREDIT.
  • transactionId: transaction id if exists.
  • numberOfTransactions: number of transaction. Used to define if batch flat fee can be applied.
  • payerID: payer ID
  • vendorID: vendor ID
  • total: total amount used to calculate fees for PAYCARGOCREDIT and CREDITCARD payment type.

Void Transaction



Get Funds Availability


This endpoint retrieves the following data, per payer, per payment method:

  • get funds availability
  • get funds limit


Get all vendors


Get vendor by id



Get Payer ACH Report

    startDate: '10/01/2020',
    endDate: '11/01/2020',
    client_id: 284347,
    report_action_name: 'getACHReconciliation',
    type: 'SHIPPER',
    accountName: 'all'
  • fleet_id: Account fleet id ( payerId)
  • startDate: Start Date in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • endDate: End Date in MM/DD/YYYY format
  • client_id: Account client id
  • report_action_name: PayCargo report type name, for ACH report : getACHReconciliation
  • type: Account type : SHIPPER or CARRIER
  • accountName: Account name of branch if any. Apply “all” to get data from branches for HQ
  • fleetLimit: fleetid
  • providerLimit: provierid


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb and then run bundle exec rake release which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Author: Jose Perez

Created: 2022-02-07 Mon 22:20